Shell to Shore offers several paid undergraduate internships in line with UGA's academic calendar (Fall & Spring). The main responsibilities during the internship include assisting with collecting oyster shells from restaurants weekly in Athens, Augusta, and Atlanta, as well as helping expand the network of restaurants they work with. Additionally, interns will learn about oyster culture, help expand educational capacity, as well as assist finding new sources of funding to expand the project among other opportunities.  

In addition to them being paid, internships can be taken for academic credit either in Geography (GEOG 3990) or
Ecology (ECOL 4940).

Interns will have opportunities to travel to Sapelo Island on the Georgia Coast to work with coastal partners.  

Financial support for the limited number of paid internships has been made available by UGA's Office of Sustainability, UGA's Willson Center, UGA's Odum School of Ecology, and The Birkley Heynen Environmental Foundation. 

Birkley Heynen Internship Program

Photo of Shell to Shore Volunteers at Shellfest. Photo by Rinne Allen

Photo by Rinne Allen

For more information or to apply please contact
Nik Heynen